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Energy Data Analytics

What is energy data analytics?

Energy data analytics is the analysis of big data, typically through the use of machine learning, in order for power utility companies to gain insights into the ways that energy is being produced and consumed. In other words, energy analytics is a specialized form of big data analytics and often utilizes many of the same techniques. The energy industry can gather data from every aspect of their business for analysis. This data collection is then processed through different analytics tools to arrive at useful conclusions.

Analytics play a large role in planning and implementation for the energy industry. Machine learning can be especially useful when attempting to identify and react to changes in real time, such as when matching power supply with the consumer demand. In order to be as cost effective as they can, power companies want to keep these numbers as close to one another as possible. Machine learning can be utilized to quickly analyze large volumes of data around both numbers, and then automatically make changes to the supply as necessary.

By gathering energy data around energy consumption, utility companies can better understand consumption trends and predict future behavior. By looking at how much energy people use over the course of one month, and then comparing it to the same month the year, or years, before, companies can start to perform predictive analytics. This means that the companies look at the data they have in order to identify trends and then make actionable plans. For example, if an energy company notices that most houses use more electricity in the wintertime, they can make plans to ensure that the power grid is optimized, and proper power generation is occurring, during this time frame in order to prevent blackouts.

Energy data analytics can be made easier through the use of smart technology. Smart grids are highly reliable and allow for automatic load balancing while staying energy efficient. Smart meters make it easy to monitor energy consumption in real time, and to make alerts or changes in response to high levels of usage. These tools can make energy management easier on both utility companies and their consumers. Consumers can also benefit from smart devices, as there are many options that allow for energy customizations around data analysis, such as detecting when the house is empty and automatically disabling air conditioning. This can help reduce costs and improve energy efficiency within the home.

Energy data analytics can be useful across energy sectors by:

  • Reducing costs: Both consumers and providers can help reduce costs through appropriate analysis. This can mean properly balancing supply and demand for utility companies or reducing the amount of energy used for consumers.

  • Improving production: Traditional utility companies can plan their power production around predicted busy or slow seasons to ensure they are not wasting valuable resources. Renewable energies can improve their production by utilizing data analysis that looks at weather trends to note when and how to best produce energy.

  • Tracking product lifecycles: Data can also be gathered and analyzed around the lifecycle of the machinery that utility companies use. This can help reduce costs associated with repair and replacement, as well as helping to prevent unnecessary downtime.
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