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Virtual machine

A virtual machine is a computing environment similar to a computer with a network interface, storage, and processor in a virtual environment. The virtual machine is a computer system with files, applications, and multiple operating systems separated from the physical hardware using hypervisor software. Multiple virtual machines can run simultaneously. 

The physical hardware with the hypervisor is known as the host computer. The host treats multiple VMs as a guest operating system with a pool of resources that can be relocated between existing or new VMs. The user experience emulated within the VM is identical to that of the host, creating a real-time guest OS experience like a physical computer.

The VM uses virtualization technology to share a system with multiple virtual environments. Even though the hypervisor separates the VM from the host resources, it can schedule a request to the host machine if the VM needs to access the shared pool of physical resources. Since VMs can host other VMs, they can function as servers, reducing the organizational sprawl of concentrating resources on one physical server. 

Business Benefits

Virtual Machines help organizations in a vast realm of disciplines ranging from day-to-day operations to developing and deploying high-performance software. With the rapid adaptation of cloud computing and open-source software, VMs provide a competitive edge to organizations to leverage IT resources on the go. Some of the key benefits of Virtual machines are:

  • Remote workstations: Businesses can deploy, allocate and manage virtual desktops and remote work stations to the employees with the configuration without allocating physical resources.
  • Optimum hardware utilization: Virtualization run multiple VMs into a single server or hardware to improve the overall hardware utilization. The scalability of VMs enables organizations to minimize additional resource allocations and thereby reduce the management cost.
  • Disaster recovery: Virtualizing hardware will isolate files, operating systems, and assets. Since the VM is independent of the hardware, the recovery option will be effective and flexible in the event of a disaster
  • Cost-effective: In the absence of a dedicated physical server, VM reduces the IT layout and maintenance cost leading to the installation and acquisition of additional resources.
  • IT Efficiency: VMs can support mirror images of test environments without provisioning additional resources, and creating high availability clusters of VMs will reduce the IT downtimes.
  • Safety: Centralized deployment and management of VM make it easy to identify breaches and secure the assets by protecting their privacy. 

A virtual machine is a replacement for a physical computer with preloaded configuration available to the user to access from any host device. With its rapid availability and scalability, virtual machines are equipping organizations to deliver excellence. 

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