White paper

Unleashing the power of AI in digital assurance

Through Virtusa's Engineering First approach

Sundar Radhakrishnan
Published: January 24, 2024
Unleashing the power of Generative AI in Digital Assurance
Unleashing the power of Generative AI in Digital Assurance

As AI continues to reshape industries, Virtusa's commitment to staying ahead is evident through our comprehensive AI solutions. Our Engineering IQ framework facilitates talent development at scale for AI, enabling us to deliver cutting-edge solutions. Digital Assurance, powered by AI, ensures a first-time-right approach, integrating hyper-automation and cloud technology.

Virtusa's unique Engineering First approach and Engineering IQ framework set us apart as builders, makers, and innovators. With a focus on customization and repurposing AI solutions, we offer a tailored approach, leveraging our right-sized partnership model. Our success with classical AI in testing is evident in our AI-driven solutions, optimizing test lifecycles, and addressing challenges in defect assignments. We've significantly reduced test maintenance effort and enhanced test cycles through custom AI accelerators.

By exploring the intersections of classical and Generative AI in the realm of Digital Assurance, this whitepaper seeks to equip readers with insights, strategies, and a profound understanding of how Virtusa is shaping the future of Quality Assurance through cutting-edge AI solutions.

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