Using Amazon Workspaces, a centralized self-contained secured environment in the cloud, Virtusa optimized a Windows 10 image that replicated all the security policies that were on the Virtusa image. With Amazon Workspaces, Virtusa was also able to automate image management and optimization.
With proactive diagnostics, Virtusa also continuously monitored for certain events, such as those related to security or performance, and then trigger self-healing activities based on need. This helped for quick issues, like corruption of user profiles, and allowed for those issues to be resolved without one-on-one effort between the asset user and an IT professional.
The implementation also optimized Virtusa’s Microsoft Office 365 environment, allowing for smoother collaboration experiences.
With vDaaS, Virtusa also procured the ability to burst into the cloud. Virtusa was able to leverage a hybrid model that allowed it to still use its on-premise infrastructure for IT management, but could also quickly provision resources to onboard employees and contractors without the constraints of limited on-premise bandwidth.