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Defining how emerging technologies drive business value

Organizations increasingly face questions about how new technologies could disrupt or transform their businesses. They scrutinize the returns they can get from innovation projects and are faced with one key question: How to assure that investment in emerging tech creates valuable tools, rather than expensive toys?

The Rapid Innovation Workshop from Virtusa helps clients to evaluate the potential of new tech, create relevant use cases and design prototypes in a matter of days.

We will help you to evaluate new tech through a human-centered lens. This quickly identifies use cases that deliver value for customers and colleagues.

We can cover the following topics:

  • Focus on an issue
    Take a business issue from the your annual report (so it has C-Level attention) and evaluate how this could be addressed by emerging tech.
  • Focus on AI
    Explore how artificial intelligence could be applied to your business to drive better outcomes for customers and colleagues.
  • Focus on Blockchain
    Explore how Blockchain could create new opportunities for you (beyond Bitcoin).
  • Explore the bleeding edge
    This more abstract focus area helps you to evaluate how one tech or behavioral trends could drive growth or disrupt markets.

Over a few weeks we will work together, applying Design Thinking principles to evaluate a problem statement, or to unearth an opportunity, to create compelling prototypes supported by rigorous benefits cases. These deliverables will help you to communicate the transformative potential of new tech, and highlight its commercial viability.

Learn how the Rapid Innovation Workshop can Help you Evaluate the Potential of New Tech

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