Telehealth is the process of providing remote healthcare services using information and communication technology (ICT). It uses live video conferencing and a range of mobile health apps and software for remote patient monitoring. Telehealth allows doctors to do virtual visits to monitor patient health conditions and identify vital signs to ensure timely medical intervention.
Telehealth services cater to primary care, such as monitoring blood sugar and blood pressure, to specialist Medicaid procedures like remote robotic surgeries, physical therapy conducted via digital monitoring instruments, live feed and application combinations, tests sent between locations for interpretation by a higher specialist, care at home through the real-time patient-to-practitioner meetings, and health data sharing.
Telehealth fills in critical gaps in the public health services created by lack of transportation and medical accessibility, low mobility, conditions resulting from epidemics or pandemics and shortage of medical personnel. It can also provide:
Telehealth platforms have historically had significant overhead expenses, such as purchasing giant equipment kiosks and sophisticated digital technology. But today, telehealth solutions no longer necessitate substantial upfront investment. Most telehealth solutions come as software-as-a-service (SaaS) accessible by smartphone or a computer, facilitating improved performance and high patient satisfaction scores. Telehealth offers a competitive advantage for healthcare providers by attracting and retaining more patients with new models of care.