Low-code development + ESG and sustainability

To keep moving at today’s rapid pace and remain competitive, businesses need the ability to develop applications faster, with fewer resources and bugs. At the same time, they must factor in ESG and sustainability efforts. Using standardized components with low-code development means lower maintenance requirements and better sustainability as less time is needed to review custom code and maintain legacy software.

Low-code solutions, especially ones that use standardized components, serve experienced developers by saving time, enhancing reusability, and reducing maintenance efforts. These solutions make it easier to understand the reasons and methods for creating the original application and for updating them. For traditionally developed applications, this information can be difficult to understand, especially when it’s not properly documented or the original developer or developers have left the company.

For these reasons, low-code development has become a top priority for companies that are focused on ESG initiatives. Reducing the resources required for software development positively impacts environmental and sustainability efforts. On the societal front, the growing demand for low-code developers creates an opportunity for non-technical workers to enter some of the fastest-growing careers.

From a governance perspective, and given ever-changing regulations, how can organizations keep up? Low-code development enables fast change, so enterprises can meet regulatory requirements and stay ahead of deadlines.

Low-code development is good for business and good for employees. It also has the potential to advance ESG efforts. With a competitive job market and the growing need to retain top talent, top employers demonstrate significantly higher ESG scores than their peers. As millennials and Gen Zers make up most of the global workforce, ESG performance will become increasingly important to attract and retain talent.

Low-code development + ESG and sustainability

Use case in action

Know your CO2

CodeCarbon is a software integration for Python. It determines how much carbon dioxide (CO2) is generated by the cloud or in running code for personal computing. With real-time visibility into emissions, developers can pivot to optimize their code or host their cloud infrastructure in areas around the globe that prioritize the use of renewable energy.

Low-code development + ESG and sustainability

Use case in action

Reduce food waste with a low-code solution

The women-owned business FoodPrint is leading the way with a mission to reduce food waste and reduce carbon emissions in the hospitality and restaurant business. By reimaging and digitizing its workflow using a leading low-code platform, the business drives customer experience by using a user-friendly solution that scales with global expansion.

The solution prioritizes automation and compliance with real-time data and analytics, and a virtual onboarding platform. Because the team used low-code technology to build the platform, adapting it to meet customer demand is straightforward and easy to achieve.