Join Virtusa at the IDC Asian Financial Services Congress 2023

Wednesday, March 08, 2023
9:00 AM - 7:30 PM SGT (GMT+8:00)
Sands Expo & Convention Centre, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore

In 2023 the financial services industry in APAC will brace for new drivers of growth amidst a weak economic environment requiring urgent action while working alongside regulators, governments, and market infrastructures.

With the global economy heading into a potential recession, revenue generation is of critical focus for leaders in insurance, banking, and capital markets. The upside to the current situation is the emergence of digital transformation (DX), which experienced accelerated growth due to the pandemic and could now be the key for financial institutions to gear their business and technology strategies toward ensuring stability during unpredictable times. With financial institutions currently at an all-time high in driving innovation, DX-era capabilities, and tools provide a great starting point for financial institutions looking to manage their risks better and increase their financial strength. 

With a strong foundation in place for financial institutions, their journey toward becoming financially stronger will be faster and more efficient.

Join the digital revolution with Virtusa as they participate in one of the largest and most influential events in APAC for the financial services industry led by IDC – Asian Financial Services Congress (AFSC) in Singapore on March 8, 2023.

AFSC Singapore is where great minds around technology, community, and commerce will converge to accelerate growth and relationships. We are excited to be a part of this ecosystem to bring innovation for a better future!

Meet our experts at booth no. 12 to learn and explore opportunities for reimagining digital in the financial industry. 


Javeed Wahhab

Javeed Wahhab

Chief Architect and Head  Solutions

Gurudatt Patil

Gurudatt Patil

Senior Vice President & Head - Asia

Saby Dsouza

Saby Dsouza

Vice President

Join Virtusa at the IDC Asian Financial Services Congress 2023
Accelerate Compliance and Digital Transformation @ Scale

Be a part of the focussed group discussion led by Virtusa's expert Amit Bhute

70% of digital transformation programs fail to deliver the required business benefits. Learn how to implement accelerated digital transformation using a hybrid lego-based approach to building new products while complying with regulatory mandates. We will talk about how to start with business problems and apply design thinking to transform/launch products and services in weeks, not months and years. 

  • What are the key challenges in accelerating digital transformation?  
  • How does a platform-based approach help drive business innovation?
  • How to tackle regulatory compliance and resiliency needs while transforming?
Amit Bhute

Amit Bhute

Senior Vice President

Amit heads the Banking and Financial services business globally for Virtusa. He has over twenty years plus of experience in advising BFSI and technology companies to drive digital transformation and accelerate revenue generation through new and innovative business models.



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